Wednesday, September 22, 2010

smscl on iPhone 4 and iOS 4

Thanks to @ven000m on Twitter, we have been able to successfully run smscl by @MuscleNerd (command line SMS) on the iPhone 4. smscl was designed for iOS 3.1.2-3.2.2, and is not compatible with iOS 4.0+ without the help of Signal by @planetbeing. Signal is $4.99 on the Cydia store. Signal was designed for iOS 4, and contacts /dev/tty.debug in a iOS 4 compatible way, it does this to receive baseband information, one of them being, the exact measurement in dBm. This opens the port to /dev/tty.debug, @MuscleNerd's 3.2 connection method no longer works without the help from another process opening a working connection to /dev/tty.debug. So smscl is pretty much leaching off of Signal. :) You will need to SSH into your iPhone 4 from a Terminal emulator or SSH client on a remote host. Signal must be open to successfully execute the backgrounded AT+CMGS commands.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. i have tried but still get no answer... work this on iphone 4 fw 4.1 ??
